3 Ways to cancel Amazon Music Unlimited Subscription on iPhone

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August 6, 2024

Amazon Music extends a 30-day free trial for all Unlimited subscription options, encompassing Unlimited Individual, Family, Student, and Single Device plans. Users have the flexibility to cancel their subscription at any time, allowing them to enjoy the subscription’s perks without incurring any charges.

Regardless of whether you’re a new member or a seasoned user, it’s crucial to be aware of the cancellation process. If you’re using iPhone or iPad, you can’t cancel the Amazon Music Unlimited subscription using the Amazon Music app. Instead, you need to cancel your Amazon Music subscription from the device Settings app or the browser. It depends on how you subscribed to Amazon Music. Here is how.

However, once you cancel the Amazon Music Unlimited subscription, you’ll lose access to the offline mode and you can’t download Amazon Music songs. Thus, we also bring you a bonus for keeping Amazon Music offline even after a subscription. Proceed on scrolling down to learn more about it!

If you signed up through Amazon

If you signed up through Amazon, you can’t cancel your Amazon Music subscription from Amazon Music iPhone app. You may cancel your Amazon Music subscription at any time using the following steps:

  1. Go to amazon.com/music/settings in your iPhone browser. Sign in if you haven’t signed in yet.
  2. Go to the Amazon Music Unlimited section, find Subscription Renewal, and select the “Cancel subscription” option.
  3. Click Confirm cancellation.

If you signed up through Apple

To unsubscribe from your Amazon Music Unlimited plan on iOS devices, you can go to “the Setting”. The steps are as follows.

  1. Open the Settings on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap your name.
  3. Tap Subscriptions.
  4. Find Amazon Music and tap Cancel Subscription
The Subscriptions button in Settings on iPhone.

Once you cancel your subscription, you can continue to access Amazon Music Unlimited until the end of your billing cycle. After that, the Amazon Music Unlimited titles in your Library will be grayed out and the playback options will also be removed.

If you joined Amazon Music Unlimited family

If you joined someone’s Amazon Music Unlimited family plan, there is no option for you to cancel Amazon Music subscription, you can only leave the Family plan. Only the family plan owner can cancel the subscription. Once the owner cancel family plan, you will also lose access to Amazon Music Unlimited after the end date. Amazon Music Prime doesn’t have family plan.

How to leave Amazon Music Unlimited family plan on iPhone?

Go to amazon.com/music/settings, log in your account and choose Leave. Once you confirmed, you will lose access to Amazon Music Unlimited immediately.

cancel Amazon Music

How to keep Amazon Music downloads after cancelling subscription?

If you’re looking to save your Amazon Music songs on your devices for offline playback even after canceling your subscription, explore the impressive features of the Pazu Amazon Music Converter. This powerful tool ensures you can enjoy your favorite tunes anytime, anywhere.

Unlike songs you purchased from Amazon, songs you downloaded from Amazon Music Prime/Unlimited are DRM-protected and can only be played within the Amazon Music app. Actually, you won’t find playable audio files like the songs you purchased. However, there is a professional Amazon Music Downloader that allows you to download any songs, albums, and playlists from Amazon Music Prime/Unlimited to MP3, M4A, AAC, FLAC, WAV, and AIFF, so you can play the songs anywhere you want, with iTunes, Windows Media Player, or your MP3 player, etc.

This professional Amazon Music downloader is Pazu Amazon Music Converter, developed to download any Amazon Music songs, albums, and playlists to MP3, M4A, etc. The audio quality and original ID3 tags will be well preserved in downloaded mp3 files. Now follow the tutorial below to convert Amazon Music to MP3 with a few steps.

Amazon Music Free doesn’t support offline playback. However, with Pazu Amazon Music Converter, you can also download songs to MP3 with Amazon Music Free.

1. Run Pazu Amazon Music Converter

Download, install, and launch Pazu Amazon Music Converter on your computer, then click the Sign In to log in to your Amazon account.

Amazon Music converter

If you have purchased a license, click the key icon to register the converter. If not, continue using the trial version.

2. Choose the output format

Click on the Settings icon in the top right corner and select WAV as the output format.

Amazon Music converter

3. Add songs, albums, or playlists

Select the desired songs, albums, or playlists you wish to download. Once you open an album/playlist and tap the red Add button suspended on the right side, you’ll be presented with the list of songs.

Amazon Music converter

All songs in the playlist will be added by default. Click the check box next to the track that you don’t want to convert.

Amazon Music converter

4. Convert Amazon Music

Click the Convert button on the bottom right corner, and Pazu Amazon Music Converter will automatically download and convert Amazon Music tracks to the default folder on your computer.

Amazon Music converter

When the conversion process finishes, you can browse all the converted songs in the history list by clicking on the  icon. And now you’re prepared to stream your Amazon Music songs anywhere.

Amazon Music converter

MP3 songs downloaded with Pazu Amazon Music Converter are tagged correctly. MP3 players read artists, songs, and other information from the ID3 tag that is embedded in the MP3 file.