How to Change Order of Songs in Apple Music Playlist or Album

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December 12, 2023

“Apple Music keeps messing up the info on Madonna’s Confessions on a Dance Floor album – it messes up the play order and I have to create my own playlist to correct”

Do you also find some albums on Apple Music with wrong order, or do you want to customize songs order in Apple Music Library/album/playlist as you like? Here in this article we will show you how to change order of songs in Apple Music playlist or album on Mac/iOS and Android devices.

Part 1. How to change order of songs in Apple Music on Mac?

Change order of songs in Library

For song in your library, you can sort your songs to play them in a specific order—use the Sort pop-up menu or click column headings to sort quickly. However, you can’t customize song order.

  1. Open the Music app on your Mac, click Songs below Library in the sidebar.
  2. Click a column heading to play songs in alphabetical order by song title, artist, or album (or sort by any other category).To show more categories, choose View > Show View Options.

Change order of songs in album

To change song order in an Apple Music album, you need to add it to a new playlist first.

1. Open the album, click icon and choose Add to PlaylistNew Playlist.

2. After the album is added to your library as a playlist, select it from the left side. Hold and drag any song to the position you desired.

Change order of songs in playlist

To change songs order in a playlist, you need to add it to a new playlist first.

1. Open the playlist, click icon and choose Add to PlaylistNew Playlist.

2. After the playlist is added to your Library as a new playlist, click it from the lift side, hold and drag any song to the position you desired.

Part 2. How to change order of songs in Apple Music on Android?

To sort songs order in your library, tap the three-line icon in the top-right corner and choose Artist, Title or Recently Added. You can choose to sort all songs or Favorited songs.

To customize songs order in a playlist or album, open the playlist/album, tap the three-dots icon in the top right corner and choose Add to a Playlist… – New Playlist.

On the following page, tap and hold the grey four-line icon to customize song order as you like. Then add a playlist title and tap save.

Part 3. How to change order of songs in Apple Music on iOS?

To sort songs order in your library, tap the three-line icon in the top-right corner and choose Artist, Recently Added or Artist. You can choose to sort all songs or Favorited songs.

To sort songs order in a playlist or album, tap the three-dot icon in the top-right corner to add the playlist/album to a new playlist. Then tap Library – Playlists, open the playlist. Tap the three-dot icon and choose Sort By Playlist Order, Title, Artist, Album or Release Date. You can’t customize songs order like on Android Apple Music app.

Part 4. Download Apple Music songs to MP3 and play with other music player

Pazu Apple Music converter allows you to download Apple Music songs with original quality on Mac and Windows with all ID3 tags.

Step 1 Launch Pazu Apple Music Converter

Download, install and run Pazu Apple Music Converter on your Mac or Windows.

Apple Music Converter

Step 2 Choose output format

The default format is M4A in 256kbps. Apple Music Converter also supports MP3, AAC, FLAC, WAV and AIFF. Click the gear icon if you want to change output format or output folder.

Apple Music Converter settings

Step 3 Choose a playlist, artist or album you want to download

Follow the on-screen instructions to choose a playlist, artist, or album that you want to download.

add Apple Music songs

Step 4 Start to download Apple Music songs

Click “Convert” button to start downloading Apple Music songs to mp3, so you can play them anywhere you want, even after cancelling Apple Music subscription.

convert Apple Music to MP3

Apple Music Converter

Apple Music Converter

Download Apple Music to MP3, M4A, etc.