You may have some movies, videos stored on your computer or cell phone to watch whenever you want. But storing the whole movie will take up a lot of space. When you just want to watch some of your favorite clips over and over again, you can use some video cutting tool to get those clips.
Editing video is now much easier than it used to be, thanks in large part to the free video editing tools you can find on most basic devices.
Step 1 Open the video you want to cut with Windows video player
Step 2 Click the Edit button (shaped like a pencil) at the bottom right of the video player window, then click Trim in the menu. The video should open in the Photos application.
Step 3 Drag the white Start and End points marker in the video timeline to determine the video clip you want. You can only choose one segment each time.
Step 4 Click "Save a copy" to cut and save the video segment you set.
If you want to cut movies more precisely, for example, base on frame or key frame , or split video to equal segments, try Pazu Video Cutter .
Pazu Video Cutter is a fast and easy tool for you to trim, crop and share the favorite parts of your videos and movies.
Pazu Video Cutter supports various importing and exporting video format, including .mp4, .mov, .wemb, .mpeg, .flv, avi, etc. It allows you to choose multiple segments or one-click to split the whole video to multiple equal segments.
Step 1 Add video
Download, install and run Pazu Video Cutter on your Mac or Windows. Drag&drop or click "Click to Upload" to add your video.
Step 2 Split video
at the right bottom corner. Here you have 2 options: split the video to equal parts or equal minutes.
For example, when you split a 12-minute video to 2 equal parts, you will get two 6-minute video files. If you set the video length as 3 minutes, you will get four 3-minute video files.
Step 3 Export video
Click the Export button to split the video to segments as you set.
Cut any video to small segments by duration or keyframe without quality loss..